
Blog post. originally published on 9/24/2017

Blog post. originally published on 9/24/2017

Like a child who wants nothing more than the attention and loving gaze of its parent, observing and acknowledging and applauding its antics, so my animal. Nothing matters more than that I train my gaze upon her, as if she is all the world to me, which she is, and that I in turn, fill my heart and soul with her essence, that she is enough. In these shared moments that is all each of us needs to feel the other’s heart...

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How To Keep Your Hot Dog Cool

originally published July 9, 2012 in The Washington Post.

originally published July 9, 2012 in The Washington Post.

Unlike humans, dogs and cats can’t sweat to cool themselves. A common misconception is that cats and dogs sweat through their paws, but, says Kimberly May, a veterinarian with the American Veterinary Medical Association, “any secretions there or from their nose, mouth or tongue are not for sweating; they’re for protection and moisture and are insufficient to cool the blood,” Cats and dogs are able to release heat in other ways, though...

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Taking Kitty For A Walk

originally published August. 15, 2000 in The Washington Post. 

originally published August. 15, 2000 in The Washington Post. 

You thought cats needed to roam freely, that it was natural and good for their little souls, that it helped preserve some universal order.
That, however, was before Blanche, your 18-month-old kitty, was stolen, before you knew of Montgomery County's "cat leash law," "requiring" cats to remain on your property or be "arrested" and fined, and before you had practiced the art of cat walking...

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